Saturday, January 31, 2015

January 30 x 30 Challenge...Reflections

January 30 x 30 Challenge...Reflections

First thanks to Leslie Seata for making this all possible.... thanks to all the participants  ... seeing so much varied art work each day is awesome as well as inspiring.  Also thanks to Sea Dean for her art party!!!!

Decided to make 2 final for my references and one for the paintings !
Hope you all enjoyed  a brief  visit to my favorite spa. 
Posting the collages for those not interested in my bla bla ranting...

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

Here we are at the end of our January  30 paintings in 30 days.. This is the third 30 in 30 that I have taken part in.  In each one I learned a little more about my self and my habits and my goals.

Why am I doing this challenge
Can't put it better than Leslie:  The challenge is not about finishing 30 gallery quality "perfect" paintings. It's about getting in to the studio to try new things. It's about painting more often. It's about having fun and developing new habits! 
What am I learning
  • Organization  this is key since as we are not only painting but scanning/photographing and blogging
  • How to use my reference material .. cropping/editing/fiddling
  • Learning more about my media... in this case my wax pastels
  • Excepting my limitations and building on them 
Where am I headed
  • More creativity
  • Learning more about what I want to say and how to say it
Who give a Sh......
  • I do!!!!
This month's challenge I chose to work in one type of format... Heavy brown paper... It was my second choice... wanted to work on heavy grey cardboard but local art store was out of stock. I also decided on the size 20 x 20 except for # 1 which was panoramic. Decided to work with a dry medium Neocolor wax pastels and pencils adding medium or not.  I chose a general theme my favorite spa Hamei Yoav which allowed me a wide amount of subject matter.