Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Strange Sub-conscious

I signed up for a beta 10-day challenge, I know I should be more in focus, but what the heck. Actually, I was invited by the host Rich Amstrong the creator of randomworddoodles, those funny doodles that I have been doing on Instagram! Well, to make the story short it coincided on the day that Lily had the operation to have her eye removed.

Last photo before the operation

I left her at the clinic, came home, put on some classical music and decided to do day one of the challenge. Intuitive 10-minute drawing/painting on a large sheet of paper using the non-dominant hand. 
Watercolor crayons water spray
the texture from the wooden board
6 min

4-minute scribble

Start of day 4 Lily is doing fine.... and her mom better!