Friday, April 26, 2019

Checking off the List

I seem to be always making lists. To do stuff, what I want to do today, mostly dealing with my creative practice, which seems to be so overwhelming that I am exhausted before I even start.
This post was at the head of my list, maybe almost a week ago. I am now going to date them as if that will help in some ways. Two were left undone. When I finish this post one left which I  put on today's new list. The old one in the wastebasket.

Amir, 17, where have all those years gone! May you reach all your goals!

Reaching for the Stars
Wrapped canvas 
47.5 x 23.5"
Oils and Oil Sticks

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Practice Practice and More Practice

Doing portraits are difficult mainly because of the likeness factor. Practice is the key! This is the second portrait for Week 12 of PYHAS 2019 taught by  Marina Teding van Berkhout. Its a portrait of my Mom I think from the early 1940s.
It's the second try on this pose, the first was in oil pastels which I didn't like. This was done with oils and cold wax in many layers and textures. There is some likeness.

11.5 x 16.5 "
Oils and Cold Wax
Cut Canvas

 The Process

Layer 1
Prussian Blue + Permanent Mauve

Layer 2
Primary Blue + Yellow Green(mix)

Layer 3
Venetian Red + Cadmium Yellow Deep + Raw Sienna

Transferred drawing
(was altered during the painting process)

Painting was done using the colors of layer 3 varying the mixes with white, buff titanium, and raw umber. Lots of painting and scraping in the process!

Monday, April 1, 2019

That's My Last Duchess

I can't remember my English teacher's name. Hoping that it would somehow find its way through all the wiring in my brain. She was very influential and it was through her that I really started reading. Sadly up till then, it was mainly just fairytales!

I was exposed to the classics and poetry. Robert Browning one of my favorites and of course Elizabeth Barrett.
That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall, 
Looking as if she were alive. I call 
That piece a wonder, now; Fra Pandolf’s hands 
Worked busily a day, and there she stands. Robert Browning
Week 12 Figures with Oils and Cold Wax with Marina Teding van Berkhout! What a marvelous lesson. 

Four layers of oils and cold wax.  Use of various scratch tools and stencils! Took her a while to emerge, scraped her face twice. This medium is very forgiving. 

My Last Duchess
12 x 17 "
Cut Canvas
Oils Cold Wax Palette Knife Catalyst Knife
click to enlarge