Saturday, May 9, 2020

Reason to Continue

"consider the desire to make progress reason enough to continue"
A small quote from Sara Genn's biweekly newsletter that I so enjoy reading. Each week I receive 1  from the archive of her late father's Robert Genn newsletters and one of her own.

To progress, now that's a good question...  where am I going and why? I find no real answers in myself except that I enjoy doing what I am doing in my creative journey so I continue. How, well as Sara says " The first order of business is applying paint"

In my intuitive creative journey, I hope to find some answers about myself.  Meanwhile, I will continue to progress.  

Acrylics on paper
13.75" x 9.75"  

This painting started with a group of prompts that I found on Joan Fullerton's page.  The two colors, most of her BossyPants prompts deal with 2 colors + white , black, and sometimes Titan Buff, I chose were Hansa Yellow and Chrome Green. All neutrals came from those colors. Bottom layers may have graphite pencil, watercolor pencils, oil pastels, charcoal, etc, of my choosing. My paints are just regular paints, nothing fancy... can't afford Golden.

Feel this came out pretty strong so I am going to let it sit before I decide how to move it forward or not as the case may be, 

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