Sunday, October 15, 2017

Collage & Gelli-printing Exercise III

Collage & Gelli-printing  Exercise III

Start 11

I am feeling quite overwhelmed by the amount of starts and pieces that I yet posted about. So I am starting the day editing photos and trying to catch up.  Start 11 was done with start 10. The process was first collage and then  Gelli-print and then more crayon work and maybe more collage. Working on the photos and seeing the work on the big screen on I could see that I could do more tweaks here and there. Maybe cut them for cards!

Start 11
23 x 33 cm 240grm
Layer Collage
Layer Gelli-print

Above the Mountains
9" x 5.4"
Top Cut

And Suddenly a Peacock Emerged
9" x 5.4"
Bottom Cut

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Collage & Mono-printing Exercise II

Mono-printing & Collage Exercise II

Start 10

There are many ways to incorporate collage and Gelli-printing. In lesson 4 Jane describes first printing some layers and then adding collage and the other way around collage pieces than Gelli printing. With both, there are steps where you can modify the prints and add other elements. These exercises were first collage and then Gelli printing, then more collage.

In start 10 there are already 3 layers: collage, Gelli print, collage + crayon.

Start 10
23 x 33 cm 240grm
Layer Collage
Layer Gelli-print

Hopes WIP
9" x 5.4"
Top Cut
Added more collage + crayons

Hopes 2 WIP
9" x 5.4"
Bottom Cut
Added more collage + crayons

 Although I an NOT completely happy with the results I am posting. Still not feeling totally in control!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Mono-printing & Collage Exercise I

Mono-printing & Collage  Exercise I

Well, I welcome getting back to the shigra, routine. With September challenge over now, I can give full attention to my online course of Gelli printing and collage by Jane Davies. I have skipped around some so I have to go back a few lessons. However, I did 4 starts of collage then gel prints so I will post them first. These are definitely learning experiences. I need to control the amount of paint on the plate, I need more transparent paints, and I need a larger Gelli plate, which I have ordered! YAY!

23 x 33 cm 240grm
Layer Collage
Layer Gelli-print

I really could kick myself for not taking images before printing process. It would have been a great learning tool for me that I lost.

End of Summer
9" x 5.4"
Top Cut
Layer collage + crayons

Although I still have lots to learn with the combination of these techniques I rather like this piece.Thc contrasts of the lights and darks, The muted colors and the brights, The small collage piece work together.

9" x 5.4"
Bottom Cut
Layer collage + crayons

This piece seems to be at war. Each side fighting for my attention. I may remove that white piece that divides the image or maybe just separate the two!