Thursday, June 18, 2020

Archie II

I am not a mystical person. Capricon has me pretty grounded! But I do have a treasured deck of Oracle cards my late sister designed.  She always dreamed of publishing them but sadly it didn't happen. I received copies in high resolution from a close friend of hers and did print up several decks for family and friends. I also have her written guide describing all the cards. I like to play around with them and have come to the conclusion that every card will and can touch everyone in one manner or another whether consciously or unconsciously. So, in that way they work, getting one to think about issues in a new light. I also like reading her guide as some sort of connection. Pretty mystical for a Capricorn! Today my card was luxury!
Meaning: To have joy and take comfort in the things that one has is not a sin. As there are always those who have more than us and there are always those who have less, our enjoyment must come from the experience itself. A man who has lived in the streets will find luxury in a simple clean home. So it is more the perspective you bring to the situation then the situation itself that causes one to call a thing luxurious.  Asha

Flying to Outer Worlds
21.5" x 15"
Oils on cardboard

Off to the luxury of our community pool!

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