Thursday, April 20, 2017

Doodle Doodle Dandy

The workshop is not a class to make art; it is a class to make mistakes, to rework, not to make finished pieces. (Rick Rotante)

I am really glad to get back to blogging. Holidays behind us. I hope that those that celebrated Easter, Passover, and any other holiday around the world had enjoyable family times. We had a long two weeks break from workshop and I am glad to get back. This week was my turn to make a presentation. This year our home projects were to prepare a presentation on a topic or concept and present it verbally as well as visually.I will post more on my next blog. I didn't do much in class, didn't even take out paints. Had a piece of heavy brown paper, and a few stencils and started just to doodle away with just an HB pencil. 

Started on the bottom left with free doodles and then used some stencils and masks of stuff I got from a craft store. I am still debating what to do with this, sort of kitschy right now. Probably some washes and then we'll see. 

Pencil Trails WIP
25.5 x 35.5 cm
Brown Paper Hb Pencil

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