Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Workshop #46 - #49 Small Birds

Back to the Workshop

During the January 30 in 30 I continued painting in my weekly workshop but neglected to photograph, edit and blog.  So before I jump into my "online " class given by Leslie Seata this month I am posting these small painting that I did of some very small bird statues that I photographed at my daughters' house.  These are very small not longer than 15 cm.  Played around with them photographing from various angles.  Some of the colors in the references were bluish so I went with that palette... they are actually various shades of browns... I was fascinated by the negative shapes surrounding the birds.

23 x 23 cm cut canvas that I mounted on a board. Oils mainly using a palette knife...


Meredith Adler said...

Oh, wow, I just assumed you were painting your 30 in 30 paintings during your workshop! You were truly prolific. I really like the almost graphic quality you have going here. Wonderful contrast of color, the birds really pop! I really like how you have explored them from different angles and how you paint in series!

Carol Edan said...

Thanks Meredith, Last 30-30 I tried bringing beginnings but found it wasn't a good idea... my dailies I like to keep separate ... they are usually fast and small and not in oils.. although I would like to do small oils...para para...like to work several together and these worked well.