Tuesday, April 10, 2018

New Starts and Paper Doll Tweak

Since I am having trouble big time with my lightbox on blogger I am going to try something new. Which didn't work so although they are clickable they may open too large to handle? Since I don't know what browser you use I can't know what you will see.

I Have Finished Playing Here
300 gm gessoed watercolor paper
oils and cold wax
click to enlarge
I added a few more dolls to obscure some of the prominent ones
and pushed back one on the left bottom side 

20 x 28"
Cut canvas wrapped on board
Collage  Oils  Cold Wax  Oil Sticks

19.5 x 16.5
Cut Canvas wrapped on Board
Collage Oils Cold Wax and Oil Sticks

Monday, April 9, 2018

Running Wild in Golden Fields

A while back I posted a "new start" sort of abstract landscape. Think I have brought it to some conclusion after ruining it in the process. Well, we all know that the process is the most important part.  One thing I have learned about my way of working is that I can't drag a piece on and on. It's either there or not. I am expert on messing up good starts. I am not going to show what went between.

Running Wild in Golden Fields
20 x 13.5"
Gessoed Watercolor Paper
Oils and Cold Wax
For some odd reason, my lightbox is NOT working! I am spending too much time on computer tech problems UGH!

I mentioned Topaz Studio in my last post and I want to write a little more about this fantastic software and I think a great tool. I know there is a discussion about the digital art etc. For me anyway, if a person can find an outlet for their creativity digitally it is kosher. I spent hours learning restorations and composites with Photoshop /Elements. My late brother, Eugene, did fantastically great composites. I will post some in another post.  I am familiar with the Topaz plug-ins that work with PS so when Studio came out I started to play around with it. It does have a learning curve and can be addictive. To make a long story short I won the lottery on one of the webinars Topaz runs for all the adjustments for Studio. Quite a WIN. 

Besides restorations and composites and of course editing photos I really didn't get into digital painting. I felt the need for hands-on paper, paints knives etc. The smell of oil paints really turns me on. So how can this tool help me? Mainly I use it as a seeing tool.  I have not used photographs as a reference in quite a while because  I found myself tied to the details and not the essence of the image. Well, Studio can come to the rescue.

Here I used an image from my recent shoot at Beit Jimal. Scroll down to Family Picnic.
Just played around with one. Click to enlarge!

Original edited
Variation 1
Variation 2
Variation 3
Variation 4

Here I was playing with the adjustment Color Themes. Have to do more to see how this can help me with colors when I paint. I think you get the point!

Saturday, April 7, 2018

More Paper Dolls

Remember Paper Dolls Glue and one Great Mess? Well here is the sequel, or sequels I was so glad to see Jen's latest blog post. She wrote about "Notes to myself on beginning a painting - Richard Diebenkorn." Gave me the push I needed to play around more. Especially the chaos bit! We'll see what Reuven has to say.

What I did was throw the digital image into Topaz Studio and play around. Did I tell you that I WON the whole set of pro-adjustments for Topaz Studio! Decided it needed jazzing up! I am happy looking at this because it makes me smile! Topaz Studio is FREE!

Not Sure I've Finished Playing
300 gm gessoed watercolor paper
oils and cold wax
click to enlarge

After Class March 27th