Wednesday, October 1, 2014

30 in 30 Collage

Reflections 30 in 30 challenge

First I would like to thank Leslie Saeta  for giving me to opportunity to share my work on her blog and view and learn from so many artists. Also my dear friend Meridith Adler who introduced me to these challenges and has constantly supported me.

This is my second challenge my first was in January 2014. I wasn't sure that emotionally I would be able to do the challenge but I felt that it would be some sort of therapy. I decided to work on a small format 8 x 8 inches and use mainly dry media. For personal reasons I chose the theme of hands because of what it symbolizes for me.

During this journey I found some old and new friends and want to thank them all for their support and comments.  I enjoyed working with my oil/wax crayons and sticking to a theme although at some points found it difficult. Here is the collage of the 30 day challenge. Actually left out one that I didn't like and placed 2  from day 29.

Collage was made by Photovisi 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

30 in 30 Day 30

At Peace

Day 30 I wanted something special.  Something that would sort of sum up the month of the challenge and the theme I chose... hands.  Some were conceptual and some more to the realistic... all showed hands in some form or another.  For the final sketch, I feel they are all sketches, I looked at the hands of one the most famous paintings. Most recognize the enigmatic smile of Mona Lisa but her hands show such elegance and restfulness they are at peace....we all want and need peace.... within ourselves and within our world.

This is far from perfect.... rubbed down first attempt and started a new..

Charcoal and conte on grey pressed cardboard
8 x 8

Monday, September 29, 2014

30 in 30 Day 29


This morning had some coffee with two of my workshop artists, Traudi and Neomi.... Neomi is getting ready for her first solo exhibition Traudi giving advice for invites and catalog and me just for the ride.Wonderful espresso coffee and tasted some special cheese like paste made from Macedonia nuts... that was a special treat.  Had both pose for these I am posting two for day 29. I so  enjoy working with my own references...

Traudi    The lighting was very dramatic...

Pencil and Crayons on grey pressed cardboard
8 x 8 

Neomi  A more subtle lighting

Crayons on grey pressed cardboard
8 x 8

Can't believe only one more day... what a great ride this has been!!!