Wednesday, November 22, 2017

London Bridges Falling Down

  • Last Tuesday I started a new painting with oils cold wax and collage. I really wanted to work on the piece before going to class. But as usual real life got in the way and by the time I had some time it was too late. Didn't want to have a wet painting to move.This week we have our once a month substitute teacher Eitan Ben Moshe. He is an accomplished artist in both painting and sculpture.We are really blessed this year at our workshop. Each has their own way of teaching and they complement each other. More below.

  • WIP 
  • 50 x 70 cm
  • Oils Cold Wax Collage

  • The class started with Eitan going from one to another looking at the work and commenting.
  • It wasn't a typical critique but rather asking questions as to what we want to do, where we want to go sort of thing. It was a very informative session mainly because we have a very diverse class from beginners and advanced, working in diverse styles and mediums. His suggestion  for me was mainly to sit down and write as if I was preparing for a show, what my intentions are. Or in other words my "artist statement" for the brochure!
  • As a good student that is just what I did. When I finish the small series, 4 paintings. 

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