Saturday, January 6, 2018

Workshop A Day of Sketching

This week we really had a treat. A new instructor Ariella Goldman, was going to bring a model and instruct us in drawing the human figure. Well the model got sick and there was no time to contact another so Ariella brought a head and child's dummy to sketch from, and we took turns posing.  We had basic instruction on the measurement of a human figure, and tips on measuring. It was the morning of my fall and I almost didn't go, but glad I did. I am going to have to find more opportunities to do figure work.

I started using a 2B pencil but quickly changed to a charcoal stick.
All were sketched on newsprint 35 x 50 cm.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Cabbage is Not Only for Coleslaw

Running dog, collision, fall, cabbage poultice around my bruised knee,

My rescue dog, Lily, is afraid of rain, thunder, loud noises, you get the picture. She also has found some way to escape the closed yard.  Well since the gate is closed and she can't get back as she as went, she waits at the gate to get back in.  When I opened the gate her happiness is translated into a brisk run around the yard. That morning in full force she bumped into me and down I went. So here I am for 3 days using a cabbage poultice around my bruised knee. I was lucky that's all that happened, and the cabbage works.

 Today I am pain-free, but on the second sort of limped to my workshop class.

Thinking of all my friends and family on the east coast. Stay safe, warm and dry. 

Yellow Wind
40 x 40 wrapped canvas
oils cold wax collage

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Looking Through the Window

 Here it is the end of the year. Seems it went faster than other years, maybe due to all that has been going on in the world. My "art" year starts usually around September to August when our workshop begins so I am 4 months in. This year will be quite different than usual with various different instructors from Israeli art community. So far this has been quite stimulating as each mentor contributes his view. This week, because Reuven can't come, we will have an artist that specializes in figure work and we will have a model. Its been quite a while since I have drawn/sketched with a live model and I am really looking forward the chance. This coming year I hope to continue my journey into the abstract with both oils and cold wax and collage, and collage with gelli-prints in acrylic. I hope to improve my drawing skills as well.

I am finishing up the first 4 of the grey and yellow series.

Looking Through the Window
wrapped canvas 40 x 40 cm
Oils and Cold Wax

Looking at this on the computer screen I may tweak this abit.  But for the time being it is what it is.


Added Collage