Sunday, March 31, 2019

It's time for play

We all love to play. We are all told that it's OK to play at art. Have fun, play! It's like a mantra. But sometimes I find art hard and sometimes there are difficult choices. At times these choices are so difficult that we don't make them and leave the piece unfinished. This year taking PYHAS 2019 has somehow released the stresses and frustrations, I am not making masterpieces but learning new things, just exercises! It's all in the mind! So now a few play pieces that are on my table.

I have lots of odd pieces of cut canvas, thanks to my artist friend Traudi. She works HUGE and sometimes cuts off side pieces from canvas roll which she gifts me. She doesn't share her work on social media or on a blog or website but this morning she sent me her wolf. It is from Norse Mythology.

The sound of a cat's footfall that binds the wolf Fenrir.
59 x 43.5
© Traudi Bernstein

Maybe I can convince her to post on Instagram!

Most start their lives with leftover paint.

12 x 8.5 "
Oils and Cold Wax 
Cut Canvas

This started as a mess of paint from cleaning brushes knives and palette

A Journey with Nasa's Galaxies and Stars
8 x 9.5 "
Oils Cold Wax Stencils Oil Sticks

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