Saturday, June 30, 2018

Color Color Color

From the Heart e-course, this week is all about color. Building up a color palette based on Master's painting.  This palette was made up of a warm and cool of each primary, raw umber, and white. In the lesson, we used a Sargent painting.

Cadmium yellow- lemon yellow - cadmium red - alizarin crimson - ultramarine blue- Prussian blue -raw umber - white. I added a second cool blue to the palette, a primary blue. 

Various mixes
I preferred the Prussian blue over the more turquoise blue

Using a blending app or blending in Photoshop we took our ink sketch from the previous week and blended it with a discarded painting of Pauline. This was used as an inspiration of how to develop a different way of seeing and using color in a portrait.

Composite using Photoshop

My Version 
10 x 13.75 "
Oils + cold wax
Still too timid!

Berthe Morisot pastel. Pauline introduced us to this marvelous impressionistic artist. Because being a woman she was less known than her contemporaries like Monet. She is an expert draughtsman. Worth looking at and learning from her work which has a very contemporary feel.  Because she was a woman, her death certificate stated no profession. She painted over 800 paintings.

Using a photograph of Berthe we used pastels to make a portrait. I had 2 small sets of pastels and box of pastel pencils stowed away because never felt I connected with this media. But I took the dive, we are on a learning experience!

Pastel Study
Berthe Morisot
9 x 12 "
Tinted Canson Paper
Pauline suggested that I break up the right white line

9 x 12 "
Tinted Canson Paper

More color
9 x 12 "
Tinted Canson Paper

A Berthe oil study without a drawing. Another exercise to dive in! This time only using 3 primary colors; cadmium yellow, cadmium red, and ultramarine blue, along with raw umber and white. Was way out of my comfort zone! Mainly used a palette knife.

My palette oils + cold wax
Mixed a grey 

First layers
Oils on paper
14 x 14 "

Oils on paper
14 x 14 "
Second Layer
Lots to fix here

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