Sunday, September 30, 2012

# 41 42 43 44 WDE Sept 28 mlou_jhu

These small sketches were done for WDE of Sept 28th  hosted by mlou_jhu.
 22 x 22 cm on 240 grm bristol paper using oil pastels--- fingers--scraping etc...
Click to enlarge the images

Pink Golds 

Lake Tufa



Tuesday, September 25, 2012

#38 39 40 WDE Sept 21

These were done for the WDE of Sept 21 hosted by Shramm/ Sharron. great fall images..
Click image to enlarge.

Last leaves... 22 x 22 cm on 240 grm bristol like paper.

Looking up... 22 x 22 240 grm bristol paper-

Fall view.... 20 x 17 cm too much fiddling...same 240grm bristol paper... no tooth ... have to get a proper watercolor pad!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

# 35 - 36 -37 for WDE Sept14th

I have a back-load of work that I am just now up-dating

These sketches done for WDE of September 14th 2012 Host was Just Jean
They were done with oil pastels in my 98 grm sketch pad.
18x18 cm



Shaded Path

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

# 34 Shed Door

This was done for WDE Sept 7 2012 hosted by Kay aka kreativeK

Shed door  Format Corrugated cardboard with 2 coats of gesso 25.5 x36  Oil pastels with turps
About 1 1/2 hours
This is work in progress... need a bit of tweaking...

click to enlarge

# 33 Antique Shop Door

This was done for WDE Sept 7 2012 hosted by Kay aka kreativeK

Shadows on the door... Format duplex board with 2 coats of gesso 21x19.7 A4 oils wet on wet about 2 hours

Reference photo of a closed antique shop... Loved the way the shadow of the tree fell on the different areas changing their color.  Have to tweak the area under the flowered pot... and maybe make Chester a bit darker!!!
click to enlarge

# 32 Fall Aspens

This was done for WDE Sept 7 2012 hosted by Kay aka kreativeK

Fall Aspens in New Mexico  24x31 Format: cardboard [2layers] with 2 coats of gesso

WIP after  2ours  wasn't satisfied with the foliage so scraped and cleaned it off,
Still find wet on wet quite a challenge and have come to the conclusion that each painting may have different methods of how to start. was trying out a new method where I start with the most vulnerable areas to keep them clean... this method may be good for more simple subjects... not for foliage

click to enlarge

After another hour. Still not happy with the foliage... May try a different method.

click to enlarge

Peeking through the trees.. Chester... part of the WDE challenge

Saturday, September 8, 2012

# 31 Tomatoes on a Shelf

This painting done for the WDE  Aug 17th 2012  hosted by Susan aka surob  along with #27 so it isn't quite 31 but I am not going to upset the numbering... 
Small wet on wet 24 x 18 on cotton cloth pasted on cutting board with gesso.

 I wasn't happy with the colors so I didn't post it time. Unfortunately I didn't scan/photograph the WIP. This is oils with added oil pastels... Tomatoes seem a bit roughed up...

click to enlarge

Sunday, September 2, 2012

# 30 WIP for WDE Tractor

This was done for WDE August 31 2012  Hosted by Scatty aka Scattycat

8x8 inch covered cutting board.... this is a WIP work in progress because I will most probably do some scraping on the tractor and re-draw and paint hopefully with better cleaner colors  split primary palette
wet on wet.... about 2 hours....

click to enlarge

Well I should have left well enough alone!!! Lesson learned!!! Finished this with a layer of oil pastels after wiping clean the area of the tractor.  Recently  learned from a tutorial about common mistakes students make.  Don't get emotionally attached... not every piece is a masterpiece... learn to MOVE ON!!!!

. Should have fixed it with oils to keep the strokes fresh!!

click to enlarge

Here is a shot of my recycling boards for these small exercises....

# 29 WDE- Poppies

This was done for the WDE August 31 2012 hosted by Scatty aka Scattycat.

Format covered cardboard with 2 coats of gesso... Size A4 29.7x21 cm canvas toned red.
Split primary palette....should have done a closer crop in order to simplify the flowers and foliage/
Am going to make a sign  SIMPLIFY and paste it near my monitor....

click to enlarge