Sunday, August 30, 2020

Spells of Calm

Every life needs spells of calm,
every life needs expanses of time when nothing much occurs, 
when one may sit for several hours 
in the same place and gaze upon static things, 
upon some waxen-leafed desert plant, 
perhaps,or a patch of dried grass. 
Alexander McCall Smith, The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection
Nothing like going to the pool early in the morning. Quiet, not many swimmers, sun is not high, and if you are lucky, might catch a slight breeze.  After my 16 laps, I like to sit and rest with the book I am currently reading. (Trying to get more into the reading mode) One of my favorite authors is Alexander McCall Smith, he has several series, but my favorite is The No1 Ladies Detective Agency.
Set in Botswana I find the naive fresh philosophy enchanting and easy to read.

20" x 20" cardboard

First layer from the previous purple and magenta painting  Keep adding marks and this morning I dropped a small container leftover yellowish-orange paint that a spread with a sponge, then another with a little thin magenta paint spread with the container's rim. (bottom right) So now I found a great quote and a nice background two good reasons to make a post!

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Tread Lightly on the Stones

“ The only difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is the way you use them.” American

Treading Softly on the Stones
20" x 20" FSC Organic paper 350gm
Acrylics and Mixed Media
Bossypants#4 on toned canvas

Friday, August 28, 2020

Lost My Way in Storyland

“We are, as a species, addicted to story. Even when the body goes to sleep, the mind stays up all night, telling itself stories.” - Jonathan Gottschall, The Storytelling Animal

I Seem to Be Lost in Storyland
20" x 20"  FSC Eco Paper 350 gm
Acrylics and Mixed Media 


I thought that this would develop into an abstract floral but using the prompts of Bossypants #1 it went into another direction. Used a limited palette of Chrome Green and a vibrant orange, a magenta colored ink intense pencil, oil pastel forgot which color, and graphite pencil and crayon.  This will sit for a while till I decide what story or stories I wish to tell.