Monday, October 16, 2017

Gelli-print Masking II

Lesson IV

Masking several similar shapes with various colors and textures
Cleaning up the edges and modifying the colors and shapes.
Painting in a background.
Adding collage optional

Walking Through the Planets
8" x 8"
240-gram white paper 

Found this torn scrape on the floor. Glad I picked it up!

8" x 8"
240-gram white paper 
Off the press  A Mess

Cleaned and modified
8" x 8"
240-gram white paper 
This is an important part of the process, 
 "Paint into your shapes using a brush: clean up edges, alter color or nuance. This is an important part of the process, and it takes time, a lot more time than the original printing of shapes. " Jane Davies

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Gelli-print Masking I

Lesson IV

Masking several similar shapes with various colors and textures
Cleaning up the edges and modifying the colors and shapes.
Painting in a background.
Adding collage optional

Masking various shapes to an image can be very tricky, Sometimes they come Not in the place you imagined. Sometimes you forget to cover parts of the plate that was exposed by the mask. Big mess.
Made lots of starts with this lesson and started with the ones that didn't come out so good.

Off the Press
8" x 8"
240-gram white paper 

Cleaning up
7" x 7"
240-gram white paper 

Painted background
Added Collage
7" x 7"
240-gram white paper 

Exercise II Tweaks

Exercise II Tweaks

Did a few tweaks on Start 10. These will definitely be cut up. Not a very happy camper!

9" x 5.4"
Top Cut
Basically cleaned up some edges and made the blue stronger

Hopes 2
9" x 5.4"
Bottom Cut
Here I added more collage and crayons work,