Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Thirty in Thirty Day 12 Field Flowers I

A few years ago I did a collage for one of our workshop concept challenges. You can read about it here. This was one of the collages that I cut up 6 x 8 " formats for the new Thirty in Thirty  challenge this January.

The paper was peeling and it's time done!!! After cutting the formats, I noticed that a few had some potential as a starting point.

I didn't do much, strengthened the colors and composition using oils and cold wax which went on the paper and gouache.

Oils and Cold Wax on collage cutout
8 x 6 "

Monday, January 11, 2016

Thirty in Thirty Day 11 Leaf and Buds

 I used another reference from morguefiles. Have no idea what the name of the flower is but loved the colors and the way it was placed.  Worked in oils wet on wet with impasto paints.  Did a bit of scraping and repainting... chocking this up as experience.

Oils on canvas covered cardboard
6 x 8"

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Thirty in Thirty Day 10 Floating Leaves II

Here is the second of the floating leaves. The first was here day 8.  Worked on canvas covered cardboard 8 x 6 ", wet on wet impasto paints. I know there are some flaws that I will fix in the leaves but there are times that you have to STOP... I saw in the reference the tree reflected in water hope I succeeded!!!

Oils on canvas covered cardboard
8 x 6"