Saturday, July 4, 2015

# 68 Small Abstract

# 68 Small Abstract

I really don't know what title to give these small experimental abstracts.  Aside color I am also experimenting with size of format.   I am not really comfortable with such a small format. Find it restricting.

Oils & Cold Wax
5 x 7 "

The colors for this piece were inspired by Rolina's blog. She is picking 3 colors to work with each week. 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

# 67 Abstract Trees

# 67 Abstract Trees

When I saw this reference on WDE  I immediately recalled an exercise in the book Painting Abstracts by Rolina van Vliet . Didn't exactly follow the exercise exactly but the patterns of the trees caught my fancy.
I cropped the image and made a charcoal sketch and then painted . Heleni stopped me from adding any more layers..

Charcoal Sketch
35 x 35 cm
gessoed cardboard

Oils & Cold Wax
35 x 35 cm
gessoed cardboard

Face in trunk a pure accident!!!

Friday, June 26, 2015

# 66 Poppies Peeking

# 66 Poppies Peeking

Our garden is nothing to speak about but early spring our yards are filled with wild poppies. This photo taken 2012.  We didn't have many in the front this year but on the sides and back were many.  This little group was taken behind some Hollyhock foliage.

Oils & Cold Wax
40 x 35 cm
Gessoed Cardboard