Sunday, June 2, 2013

Still Life Studies

These are two still life studies inspired by the work of Giorgio Marandi.... Wikipedia
oils   palette knife  34 x 26 cm cloth covered kapa board.  Experimenting with various shades of grays /yellows/blues/violets

Light bottles on light background

click to enlarge

Dark bottles on light background

click to enlarge

Monday, May 13, 2013

Peek a Boo Double

Peek a Boo Double by Edanim
Peek a Boo Double, a photo by Edanim on Flickr.
I have begun to photoshopping again using Katrin Eismann's book on Masking and Compositing together with my group of PS friends. Rusty with selections and masks...but glad to get back to these skills. Our group started working through Eismann's books on a forum , before the days of social media, but with the help of social media we are still  "in touch". Where else can friends from so many places get together.... We decided to get our creative juices working using both the first  and second edition of Masking and Compositing by Katrin Eismann . I am using the first edition..  I hope to link this new creative window with my actual painting...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Children on the Beach Oil Sketches

This past Purim I took a day trip with my daughter to the Old Jaffo Port... it was a beautiful sunny warm day, February 26th, almost in the middle of winter.  We took a boat trip along the harbor, had a great lunch, ice-cream... and at the end a walk along the beach. What a perfect day!!!

Among some of the photo were of my two grand-kids walking and playing on the beach which were the inspiration for these small oil-sketches.Will post a link to the Picasa album.

After sketching in the figures with a brown charcoal stick I went over the drawing with some medium and got some interesting effects that Heleni thought that I should keep. So I decided to work the sea and sand using a palette knife and keep the figures in sketch form.

Small kapaboard cover with cotton cloth with added gesso. 30 x 30 cm.

 click to enlarge

 click to enlarge

click to enlarge