Saturday, December 7, 2019

You Are In for a Big Surprise

Giving lots of thoughts to Jen's post on extra-ordinary! We all get into the day to day living pattern without much thought, just ordinary stuff. Feed the cats, and Bella the chicken. Make porridge, do the laundry... all done without much thought. Mundane, boring... but the ordinary can be extra.


An early trip to the bakery for Shabbat Chala, pitots and borakas!
No traffic, lots of parking space, and the smell of fresh baked goods  EXTRA!

Feeding the cats and Bella... Lady begging for some hugs and petting... EXTRA!
The cool air  EXTRA! Even the smell of freshly laundered clothes  EXTRA!

Coming home from Natanya after a condolence visit,(shiva) Waze took us home on a road near the sea.  Glimpses of the sea between the buildings EXTRA.

I am certainly going to try to look for the EXTRA more!

Tuesday  workshop always EXTRA

This painting was done over another rather unsuccessful painting below.  I had added another blue layer which made it worse. At first, I just wanted to sort veil it with light gray tones but it sort of had a will of its own and all sort figures began appearing.

When You Go Into the Forest
Oils and Cold Wax
Cut Canvas
24" x 19"

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