Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Diptych Snake Plant Collage

These past weeks have been pretty hectic. First my computer died.... this was on the 19th of February just as we were going for our planned family gathering in Moshav Amirim. My daughters had planned a double birthday for me and my husband.  We also celebrated the February birthdays of my daughter Naomi and grand-daughter Lior.

 I knew my XP was cracking up but was reluctant to change because two hardware devices would be obsolete.  My trusted Benq scanner and the Wacum Graphic Tablet my late sister Susan sent me. At least, my hard disks were reachable. When we returned my computer refused to re-install XP or any other operating system.  Seems we have to buy a new computer.

So now its re-building the new computer with all the programs...etc which can e stressful.
Along with this twice a day training Lilly, my dog, and weekly trips to Jerusalem for babysitting duty.
Thank goodness for my weekly workshop my painting would be at a total standstill.

Continuing with my new collage work... cut - paste - paint!!!Painted mainly with the palette knife.

2 40 x 40 cm wrapped canvas
Newsprint oil paint

stage I
pasted newsprint

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