One of the guest speakers that inspired me a few weeks ago on our live sessions at Cold Wax Academy, Sara Post. She showed a technique that really caught my attention. She works with collage in a novel concept. Not adding collage to a painting in progress but starting with a substrate where collage pieces were glued and using paint in a reductive way. Cool. After doing one, I started 3 more and decided that this will become a series.
Cold Wax layers, oil sticks,
Mark Making
My new Favani organic paper various colors 350gm
Squeegee, brayer, palette-knife +
Limited Palette
Mainly art papers I made with acrylic with my Gelli Pad. Some on transparent papers and some using newspaper as a substrate. Made a coat of gloss media between the collage pieces before mark-making and added oils with cold wax. This allows me to go back to the first collage layer.
The word TATU was part of another word that came from a huge newspaper I got from an exhibition at the Tel Aviv Museum about Jerusalem Called Status Quo. It has no real meaning on its own, just a mark or shape. Don't know if this is really finished will put aside awhile.
Basic Collage 14" x 20" Collage Oils and Cold Wax |
Stage 4 14" x 20" Collage Oils and Cold Wax |
Stage 6 14" x 20" Collage Oils and Cold Wax |
14" x 20"
Oils and Cold Wax
So good to get back into blogging. So good to be back with our weekly workshop, with our mentor
Ariel Asseo