Saturday, September 12, 2015

September 30 x 30 # 12 Museum Gallery

September 30 x 30 # 12 Museum Gallery

Another view of the Master's Gallery. Noam and Uri listening to the explanations of the paintings.  The gallery is dim with spotlights on the paintings which I tried to capture.  This was the first visit to the Tel Aviv Museum and they were overwhelmed by the size and scope of the exhibitions...

Pencil Sketch 5 x 7
90 grm Canson Sketchpad

Friday, September 11, 2015

September 30 x 30 # 11 New Wing

September 30 x 30 # 11 New Wing

Back at the Tel Aviv Museum of Fine Art. This is a view taken on one the ramps to the new wing of the Museum. I loved the various angles and tones.I am using a regular HB pencil along with a 2B mechanical pencil.

5 x 7 Pencil Sketch
90 grm Canson Sketchpad

Thursday, September 10, 2015

September 30 x 30 # 10 Cat

September 30 x 30 # 10 Cat

This is the fourth pose of Traudi's cat.  She is amazing!!!

5 x 7 HB Mechanical Pencil
90 grm Canson Sketchpad