Saturday, September 5, 2015

September 30 x 30 # 5 Jungle

September 30 x 30 # 5 Jungle

Its really funny where we get our inspiration from.  I love watching various TV series and documentaries . I am an avid fan of Bit torrent other wise I would  get to see most of the shows..  One of the more recent documentary was from ITV a documentary The Wild Collection with Julia Roberts and the giant Orangutans. My video player allows me to take screen shot.  Very interesting affects.  This was of some shapes in the Jungle. Light and foliage make interesting patterns...let my pencil travel around the shapes... this may be a good starting point for an oil and cold wax study.

5 x 7  HB + 2B Pencil
on paper 

Friday, September 4, 2015

September 30 x 30 # 4

September 30 x 30 # 4

This is the second  of Traudi's cat... Was interested in the the negative spaces around her body and the interesting shapes. What strange positions this cat takes...

5 x 7 HB + 2B pencil
90 grm Canson Sketchpad

Thursday, September 3, 2015

September 30 x 30 # 3 Museum

September 30 x 30 # 3 Museum

Back at the Tel Aviv Museum main gallery collection Uri and Noam checking out their recording instruments. This is their first visit to an Art Museum and along with the paintings they enjoyed the electronics.

Trying to simplify the shapes and tones.

5 x 7 Pencil and charcoal sketch