A bit of ranting: Blogger is up to tricks, at least on Chrome.... one would think that they would work together because they both are under the Google umbrella... but first grayed pages... then notices that I need to re log, and today NADA... with a code to address to the help forum.... HAHA...with Firefox things are working
This is a close up of
previous study . I am really not happy with this..much too fragmented.... in the first one which really is simplified, more of an under painting, is much better... can't seem to get from the fresh under painting to a more finished without messing the whole thing up.... I am going to give this another try....
First try
click to enlarge
Second Layer
click to enlarge
As usual I couldn't keep my hands off it so with the paint still a bit wet did a bit of finger smudging... so now I really have to work this again.... should find time.. another long holiday weekend!!!