Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Summer Heat

Summer Heat

July was quite comfortable but now the August heat has hit hard and I find myself painting and creating only in my "head". Well maybe somehow they will find there way to paper or canvas.

Last week, on my weekly visit with my grand-kids, I lugged the bottles of gouache paints that I had here for them to use when visiting.  Thought they would get more use during the holiday at their home.  We had a great time painting, brought 4 small 20 x 15 cm canvases.  We sat in a shaded spot and had lots of fun.

Here are the results!!! Uri [6 yrs], Ima [ Mommy] Yael, and mine...

20 x 20 cm

15 x  20 cm

15 x 20 cm
15 x 20 cm

Have signed up for Leslie's 30 x 30 this September.  Its a difficult month first because of all the High Holidays and second because last week I will be traveling to Morocco!!! WOW this is a big surprise for me, joining my daughter who will be teaching a yoga class for the group... its still sinking in..  Link to see what's in store... So I'll be going with flow.....